A journey of SELF-LOVE, while getting into the body you deserve

 Our secret to helping hundreds of mature, professional women achieve success?


We believe that every woman has the inherent strength, grace, and wisdom to embrace her true self. 

We use tools and techniques tried and tested on women aged 35-65, to take flight on a transformative journey that empowers you to:
  • Overcome challenges related to weight
  • Train the internal dialog
  • Build self-esteem and self-confidence. 


We recognize that these years can be filled with complex emotions, physical changes, and societal pressures. 

That's why our program is designed to: 
  • Nourish the body
  • ​Energize the spirit
  • ​Uplift the mind
  • Create a supportive and nuturing community.


Through a blend of personalized:
  • Coaching
  • ​Nutritional guidance
  •    Exercise routines
  •    Mindfulness practices.
FLY participants will rediscover their vitality, confidence, and inner beauty. 

Our approach is not about quick fixes; it's about cultivating a deep and enduring love for oneself.
Here is what powerful women like YOU feel about F.L.Y

"I'm proud to say, half way through this program, I've released 34.6 lbs, 4 inches from my chest, 4 inches from my waist, 6 inches off my hips, and 3 inches off my inner thighs. 
I am so excited to be this strong, beautiful woman.

"I can wholeheartedly say this is the best decision that I have made my entire life. 45 days in and I have released close to 30 lbs, and the amount of inches I have released is tremendous. 
The secret of this program is the container Colin & Michelle have.

How will you be supported?

Get our LIVE program where Colin & Michelle, plus our team of support coaches, take you through a body and mind transformation where you step into your power and achieve the body & life of your dreams:

  • Bi-Weekly Hot Seat Coaching: Group sessions with dietary expert Colin F Watson where you'll get specialized coaching to amplify & expedite your desired results
  • Bi-weekly Accountability Calls: Group sessions with the other participants to keep each other accountable and work together to overcome any challenges throughout the program
  • ​On-Demand Course Portal: Get exclusive access to our course portal with weekly assignments, all designed to take the guesswork out of knowing exactly what to do each day to claim your power and move you towards your goals 
  • Facebook Group & Marco Polo Community: Get private access to our accountability group and community where you'll be able to connect directly with the other participants as well as our team
  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 Calls: Get access to coaching directly with Colin and Michelle
Dedicated to empowering women lead healthier, happier lives through personalised guidance and support. 


Master Coach, Certified in Fitness Nutrition

In the last 17+ years alone, Colin overcame:

- being overweight
- high blood pressure
- sleep apnea
- type II diabeties 

Rising to become the No. 1 diet coach in the WORLD, in assisting women to shed body fat.

 Building an audience through his books, podcast, and videos, to over 431,000+.

He has personally helped thousands of customers and private clients LIKE YOU achieve weight loss success worldwide, including celebrities, athletes, busy executives, and men & woman from all walks of life.


Female Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Guide, Lover of Life

Michelle is a Master Coach Accredited with ICF and has more than 25 years of experience in supporting people in achieving success and living a life by design, not-default.

Specializing in:
Mindset Mastery
- Manifestation
Emotional Intelligence
- Leadership Development

Michelle is a stand for people to live their purpose NOW.

Her approach is unique and rooted in Holistic care, awakening people’s intuition to lead from the heart.
The results achieved with F.L.Y is why women like you trust US and this program.

 "I'm down about 15 lbs and almost 20 inches [In 45 days]. I feel better, look better, and feel like I'm thinking better as well."

"It was everything I dreamed of. So far I've released 48 lbs. It's a mental program with the benefit of incredible health." 

I was pretty happy. When I was first wearing those pants, my belly was so big I couldn't even pull them up. Feeling better now."

This isn't just a program, it's a lifestyle.

Meet Alisha

Alisha is an amazing single mother in her 40s. 

Through her commitment to the F.L.Y programme, not only has she transformed her inner self, and external self, she has set an example for her daughter, to live a healthy lifestyle

Alisha has transformed her environment to set herself up for a long term success. 

Meet Shay

Shay leads a busy life as a nurse. 

Helping others, working long hours, and not always putting herself first, as a health care professional meant the creation of habits that bring her energy down. 

Shay was over struggling with the weight for quite some time so she said YES to F.L.Y. 

This was not the end for Shay. Shay continues to have success in her weight and health journey with F.L.Y. 

Meet Stephanie

Stephanie has her hands full working as a Dr. Chiropractics. 

Stephanie has lived all her life as an athlete and had not been in her natural body for several decades. 

Thanks to her saying YES to the F.L.Y programme, Stephanie enjoys living in the body of her life. 

Stephanie has lived through looking in the mirror, and seeing somebody else from how she feels in the inside. Releasing the weight and being supported in the mental and emotional side of the F.L.Y programme, has now allowed her to feel FREE from this transformation. 

The results achieved with F.L.Y is why women like you trust US and this program.

"I've released 68 lbs, which is very exciting."

"I am no longer on blood pressure medicine. I was on a collision course with a heart attack. Getting healthy means so much."

"I was ready for a change. What I was doing wasn't working. I was tired and fed up. I am down over 25 lbs and have released over 30 inches."

"I got 2 of the best coaches that anybody could ask for, and a community of people who share my desires and will for making ourselves better."

"I chose this program because I was so tired of going through the same exact cycle and getting the same exact results. In my first 30 days I have released 20 lbs, never, ever to come back again."

"The support has been amazing. It's an amazing community. 6-7 weeks out now, I'm a completely different person than I was in the beginning. Not just physically, but emotionally as well."

You know YOU best, so let's find out.

This program IS for you

If you are having these thoughts:

I want to learn more about healthy eating, and how emotions play a role in my weight gain.

I want to follow a programme that is easily laid out step by step.

I want a program that has the support of well known coaches, so my bad habits don't hold me down. 

I want to try a programme where I am supported by other people in the same position as me.

I can't keep living the way I have been living, and know that there is a better way out there.

I need something that can fit in with my busy life, and does not require me to go to a physical location.

I need a programme different from a gym, where my shame isn't going to hold me back from walking through the door. 

This program is NOT for you

If you are having these thoughts:

I don't want to learn anything new, I already know what I am doing.

It is not my fault I can't get in shape it is (insert excuse here).
I don't want to change any of my daily routines, patterns or behaviours.
I don't want to grow into the women I know I deserve to be.

I know my weight is purely down to genetics and there is nothing I can do to change it.

I only want to join a program that is a quick fix

There is nothing I need to learn mentally or emotionally, I never get stressed or have negative thoughts.   

The button below is a free resource, of lead coach Colin F. Watson, teaching about overcoming emotional eating.
Many of you have found yourselves amid a binge eating night after a stressful day, or when we're too tired to resist the temptation of grabbing that bag of chips or the cookies hidden in the back of the pantry, we hide from ourselves just in case of emergencies. 

The truth is that we've become experts at stuffing our feelings and smothering that energy that needs to be released from our bodies if we genuinely want to heal our bodies and finally lose the weight.

In this resource, I will share a unique technique I teach my private coaching clients to use to keep them on track and help them shed pounds of unwanted emotional baggage.

You'll discover the (6) six raw emotions that you experience daily, sometimes hourly, or every few minutes that can push you in the direction of success or failure.

Our Guarantee & Commitment To YOU

100% Lose-The-Weight Guarantee... Or Your Money Back

100% Lose-The-Weight Guarantee... 
Or Your Money Back

We’re so confident that you’ll release a minimum of 45 pounds within your first 4 months that if by the 4-month point you haven’t released that much weight, we will give you the program for FREE. This guarantee is valid only if you do exactly what we say throughout the program and you still don’t release the weight.

© FLY Transformational Coaching. All Rights Reserved

Soul Body Mind, Inc., 8805 Ambrosia Dr, Austin, TX 78738
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Take a Stand for Another Coach!

  • Step 3: If you know of another coach that is powerful, but needs support in the areas we'll be covering, please don't hesitate to invite them!

NOTE: Add their name & email and we'll send them the details.